Kathie put her shoe on. It's on the wrong foot, but I am soo0 proud of her! :)
Roses from our rose bushes.
Kathie holding little flowers.
Kathie is playing with Daddy after he had a long day of golfing. We went to New Jersey for the Memorial Day Weekend. We are at Aunt Debbie's house, here.
Now she is exhausted and snoozing.... ...zzz.
Kathie being a cutie pie.
Kathie loves her cousins, Billy, Jordan, & Jessica.
Jordan, Jessica, & Kathie--and part of Aunt Joyce :) So CUTE!!!
We went to the park. Aunt Debbie & Jessica are having lots of fun!
Jordan loved playing with Kathie!
Kathie & Grandpa Jeffers! :)
A beautiful photo of Kathie and Aunt Debbie!
Here is Aunt Debbie, Daddy, & Kathie. We are going to Grandpa & Antionette's Restaurant, Lido. It was delicious and great to see family!!!
A photo of our kitchen. Most of the kitchen is organized now! Yippy!!! We love the dishwasher a lot! And appreciate that the freezer/frig/oven works great. Our kitchen is such a blessing from God. :) (At our old apartment, lots of things didn't work well.)